From Finance to Freedom: Monika’s Story as a Digital Nomad

Post on August 5, 2024


Meet Monika, an adventure travel blogger, storyteller, digital nomad, and workbuddy member. She shares raw travel tales, local cultures, offbeat places, and expert guides on nomadism, breaking the barriers of 'location dependency.'



Her latest project, 'Year of Wonders,' has her living in 12 countries over 12 months across three continents while building a business. We had the opportunity to chat with the vibrant and resilient Monika about her story. Let’s dive into this adventure with Monika.


Q1: Can you tell us a bit about yourself, how you became a digital nomad, and what motivated you to choose this lifestyle?



Monika: Absolutely! I was raised in Abu Dhabi, where my parents loved to take us around the world. After returning to India, I completed my grad and master's in finance. Everyone expected me to become a consultant or banker, but I craved something more creative and marketing-oriented.


I did end up going the route everyone wanted me to go. I landed an Investment Banking job and worked in Hyderabad and the  US for five years, dealing with various industries. While the pay was great, I struggled with a gruelling 14-15 hour workday and no work-life balance. I maximised my leave by travelling whenever possible. The paycheck definitely helped here. I started blogging about my experiences along the way, and it resonated with many people. When COVID-19 hit and remote work became the norm, I seized the opportunity and shifted to the mountains in India. There, I met a vibrant community, became a paragliding pilot, and found a better work-life balance.



Eventually, I quit my corporate job when my husband got an offer to move to Singapore. It's been two years, and I’ve never looked back. I’ve travelled to 17 countries since then and am currently on a year-long journey of 12 countries in 12 months, working as a content creator and embracing a minimalist lifestyle. Now, I have a better understanding of the digital nomad community and how to balance work and travel.


Q2: What do you find most thrilling about the digital nomad lifestyle?


Monika: One of the most exciting aspects of being a digital nomad is the sheer unpredictability of each day. I could be working on a project from a bustling café in Tokyo one week and brainstorming ideas from a serene beach in Bali the next. The constant change in scenery is incredibly inspiring and keeps my creativity flowing.


Another amazing part is the opportunity to immerse myself in different cultures. I've taken a Moroccan cooking class, where I learned that almonds have a surprising acidity. I’ve joined local festivals that are completely unknown outside of their regions. These experiences are however random they may sound right now, enrich my personal life and broaden my understanding of the world.



Living out of a suitcase has also taught me the value of minimalism. I’ve learned to prioritise what truly matters and let go of unnecessary baggage—both literally and metaphorically. This lifestyle forces you to focus on the essentials, which has been incredibly liberating.


Oh and, the global network of friends and connections I've built is invaluable. From fellow nomads to locals, I've met people from all walks of life. These relationships have not only provided support and companionship but have also opened doors to new opportunities and collaborations.



In essence, being a digital nomad is about more than just working remotely; it's a way of life that fosters growth, adventure, and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of our world.

Q3: Have you ever felt lonely or isolated while travelling? How do you cope with that?



Monika: Loneliness can be a challenge. Ironically, while the uncertainty, new experiences, activities, and meeting new people are what make the digital nomadic lifestyle so exciting, what helps me combat loneliness is finding a constant. Like finding coliving and coworking spaces and immersing myself in hostel culture. These communities provide a daily routine and sense of stability. Longer stays and slow travelling also help. Building a new routine with the freedom to design it keeps me grounded.

Q4: How do you manage your work schedule while travelling, and what tools and technologies do you rely on to stay productive and connected?



Monika: I keep it simple and have a great team supporting my content creation efforts. Apps like Notion, Trello, workbuddy for when I’m in Singapore (yay!),  something as simple as Gmail are essential for staying organised and connected. I’d also recommend Nomad List, Remote Year, Nomadico, and SafetyWing as key resources for all digital nomads.


Q5: What are some of your favourite destinations you've visited as a digital nomad, and how do you choose your next destination?



Monika: Chiang Mai in Thailand, Morocco, and Japan are definitely at the top of my list. My next destination? Peru! I’m planning to go there as soon as possible.

Q6: If you were to squash two common misconceptions about being a digital nomad today, what would they be?



Monika: First, the misconception that we don’t have careers or that we don’t give our careers much importance. Many companies like Netflix, BBC, Facebook, and NatGeo offer remote positions. There’s a growing acceptance of remote work, and it's definitely not too good to be true.


Second, the idea that digital nomads don't work much. We often put in 40-50 hours per week, especially when building our own businesses. It's a full-time job with a lot of dedication, but with the freedom of time and location.


In conclusion

Monika’s journey from a corporate grind to a digital nomad’s dream shows the magic of following your passions.


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